The ABCs of Wisdom Teeth

Officially called the third molars, nobody really knows why wisdom teeth develop so late, or why we have them in the first place. Theories have been thrown around as to why exactly we have these teeth. One theory is that the early humans needed the extra row of teeth to chew properly. With a diet that consisted mostly of roots, nuts and raw meat, it doesn’t take an expert to make a somewhat valid conclusion that chewing on raw meat would need an extra set of teeth. But modern humans just don’t have any need for a third set of molars anymore.

Unlike other teeth, the eruption of the wisdom teeth is rarely noticeable, if at all. But, it’s still important to know when it erupts so you can have them removed well before they cause any kind of dental complication. If you’re like those who rarely visit their Castro Valley dentist, watch out for the following symptoms:

Your wisdom teeth can be blocked as it erupts, or it can erupt sideways or may even be tilted. If the infection resulting from the wisdom tooth is not treated and removed surgically, the infection can spread to the throat, or into the neck. Other complications resulting from impacted wisdom teeth are cavities, unnecessary tooth movement, tooth decay or gum disease.

Contact Creative Dimensions Dentistry in Castro Valley, CA at 510-881-8010 to schedule an appointment for a checkup today. 

Creative Dimensions Dentistry proudly serves Castro Valley, San Leandro, Hayward, Oakland, Fremont, Russell City and all surrounding areas.

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